Also, the software provides support for a wide range of plug-ins. Its controls are quite comfortable and very easy to understand. Kodi has a very well designed user interface. Installing the application can be done with nothing more than one click and it takes only a few seconds to complete the process. You can find different plug-ins for each type of media, in each section of the interface. It allows users to play and view most videos, music, podcasts, and other digital media files from local and network storage media and the internet, including TV shows, PVR and Live TV.
It allows you to download and install a wide range of plug-ins. Kodi (formerly known as XBMC) is an award-winning free and open source (GPL) software media center for playing videos, music, pictures, games, and more. Kodi (formally known as XBMC) is an award-winning free and open source (GPL) software media player and entertainment hub that can be installed on Linux. The software is not limited to managing media files and programs. Download the latest version of Kodi free. While browsing through your files, you can switch between different view modes, such as list, thumbnails and so on and you can also right click files to bring up additional options. The picture, music, video and programs sections are essentially file managers, in which you have to import your files, through standard browsing options.

All buttons are large and easy to spot, which allows you to navigate from one section to another without any effort. Operating this program is a comfortable and pleasant experience. When launched, the program will greet you with a home screen, from where you can access your photo, video and audio libraries, as well as your installed programs, a disc player and the general settings menu. Kodi comes with a full-screen user interface. Installing Kodi may take a minute or two, but you won't have to make any complex settings and you don't need to meet any special requirements.
It is available completely free of charge, for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. In other words, Kodi offers a complete solution for any kind of media. Also, the software includes a vast range of useful utilities. It allows you to organize music, videos, pictures and programs in a comfortable and elegant manner. You can think of it as a miniature, multimedia-focused operating system. To say that Kodi is a media player would be a huge understatement.