Upper chest discomfort left side
Upper chest discomfort left side

It causes my neck and chest muscles to be too tight and can put a muscle spasm right into my chest. What I have is thoracic outlet syndrome and it is aggravated by bad posture and it becomes a problem through incorrect use of muscles that causes a nerve entrapment in-between the rib cage and collar bone. When your pain starts at 8 or 9 AM, what are you doing that might be bringing it on and how long time wise were you doing this? Do you think it could be work related? Are you and the coworkers who have the symptoms doing exactly the same job? Does this happen on your days off? Is it positional or does it come on with a certain posture? Do you get breaks to stretch at work? Are you practicing good ergonomics at work? Are you doing a physical job holding your arms overhead? Is it a high stress job? I'm asking this because I have a condition that produces symptoms in my chest. Any suggestions for what might be going on? I'm having a follow-up doctors appointment soon, but I wanted to try my luck here since my doctor has not yet been able to diagnose the It's interesting that both you and a few coworkers have the same symptoms. I'm fairly certain it is not heart related since all tests came back negative. My coworkers are still experiencing this chest pain/discomfort as well. I don't have any other lung issues that I've noticed with this, so I'm unsure if I'm in the correct discussion group. Initially my pain seemed to be lessening, but after a week of an adjusted diet, the chest pain remained and it might have just been a placebo affect. I tried changing my diet to see if it was my acid reflux acting up (which I've had most of my life and take Omeprazole to control). I was prescribed an inhaler to see if that would open my airways. I then had blood samples taken to test for other allergies/red flags, chest x-ray, and EKG, all which came back normal. The office was tested for mold and those levels were again low, but not harmful. Blood tests for mold exposure came back at low levels, but nothing that should cause any symptoms.

upper chest discomfort left side

I then suspected some sort of mold exposure since we work in a fairly old office space. This was consistent with my coworkers as well. But, at the end of the following week, the chest pain crept back in. I did a round of antibiotics (z-pack) and was beginning to feel better. Initially, we all suspected Walking Pneumonia. The pain would escalate throughout the day, some to the point where one coworker went into the ER thinking he was having a heart attack. None of us had any sort of cough, fever or other symptoms. In the beginning, two coworkers and I started having chest tightness and stiff joints all that the same time, so we assumed it was something viral or bacterial.

upper chest discomfort left side upper chest discomfort left side

I have visited a doctor 4 times trying to diagnosis the pain. My pain has never been very debilitating, mostly it's just a irritating pang throughout the day. I do not have any other symptoms currently. Most mornings, I do not have any chest pain until about 8-9am. It doesn't worsen with exercise but after sleeping the pain improves dramatically. This pain sits in the center of my chest. I've been dealing with mild chest discomfort for over 3 months now and am in need of some answers. I'm a 28 year old male with no history of heart or lung problems.

Upper chest discomfort left side